12 Reasons Your College Friends Will Be Your Friends For Life

During our high school years, we operate under the erroneous belief that the friends we make during this time period will be our lifelong friends. However, it is the friendships that we make during college that stand a greater chance of surviving over the long haul. College is when many of us find our true selves and go through an intense self-discovery process.

This is one of the primary reasons your college friends will be your friends for life and the following list is a compilation of 12 more compelling reasons why.

7 Types Of Rommates You Won’t Want To Find In College

College is the, arguably, the best part of your life. With all the things going on, it is hard to stay focused on your studies, and it is hard to keep track of everything. Still, it is important to keep things steady while in college, and having a good roommate definitely helps. So let’s try and avoid a few types of roommates.

Top 10 Essential iPhone Apps Every College Student Needs

If you are getting ready for college you may want to download the following 10 top essential phone apps that will help you get through college better:


BenchPrep is an app that has its own interactive course library that includes multiple materials for studying for exams at the graduate and professional levels for college students. It holds hundreds of practice exam questions, as well as flashcards, several kinds of in-app things you can buy to help study, etc and nearly 600 study lessons. It is great for studying for tests such as the LSAT, MCAT, and GMAT. Best of all, BenchPrep can be downloaded for free on iOS and Android devices.

Top 10 Majors That Will Get You Ahead Of The Curve

In actual fact, students enroll in colleges for different courses and reasons. It is either to have a fulfilled life or to better their lots in later years. However, the latter is more often the reason than the former. It is therefore paramount for highly spirited youths to carefully make their choice of college majors if to better their lots is the watch word.

Online results and facts from reliable sources have it that some college majors are more lucrative than others, the more reason you should be wide awake when choosing your future career. A number of under listed college majors which are believed to be more lucrative than others are highlighted below to help you make the best decision for your life.